Hello Fellow Travelers, 10/4/07
I can’t believe it is already October! The summer went by in a flash, a heat flash! What a remarkable show of stamina the plant beings have demonstrated week after week in this hot dry weather. I am given strength by their insistence on living, on digging their roots a little deeper, by casting their seeds out for distant rains to sprout our future landscape with. We have been feeding the deer our melon rinds and giving them water and asking them to spare the plants that are still standing with green heads against all odds. The creek is dry with no sound of the bull frogs. I hope they have buried themselves into the mud or hopped all the way to the river. A beautiful box turtle has been enjoying the shady shelter of the cavern within the grandmother beech tree here where the earth is dark and cool.
Thunder beings, we call you forth to quench the thirst of these lands and to replenish the water tables of the region, we are grateful for you and long to hear your strong voice echoing above us and to feel the rain on our skin and in our hair. The cooling of the air tells us that Fall is arriving with her colorful cloak to brighten our dusty vision with amber, red, gold, orange, yellow, crimson, umber and the magenta skyline as the October sun sets to make way for that large autumn orb in the sky. The night eagles here at Drumsong sing loudly and raucously in this season reminding us to pay attention to that which we don’t see and to give thanks for it all!
Be sure to scroll through to see all the great teachers and ceremonies coming this fall and winter. We have sweat lodge, drummmaking, teaching circles and fire ceremonies. Or you can just go to the website and check there, http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/ or the blog http://www.drumsongsanctuary.blogspot.com/ which I’m still learning to use (patience please). I hope to see you again soon and to share sacred space and time with you or just give me a call at 919 304-5754 to connect.
In gratitude for my life and yours,
Sacred Fire Ceremony Flyer
Mondays: Oct 8, Oct 29, Dec 3 from 7:00 – 10:00 pm
Our Monday night healing circle invites you to join us for a Fire Ceremony to release what no longer serves you. You will have the opportunity to shed beliefs, feelings, thoughts, relationships or anything else that is hampering your ability to be fully and completely who you are by offering them to the fire. We will witness each other as we make new agreements with ourselves and dream our lives into being. We will feed the holies and ask their assistance in recreating ourselves, our thoughts and our lives as we wish them to be. The choice is always yours!
The gifting basket will be available for your generous contribution, remembering that what we give to the spiritual sources in our lives comes back ten fold to us.
Third Annual All Souls Day Fire Ceremony. Flyer
Monday October 29th at Drumsong 7:00-10:00pm (All are welcome please rsvp)
We will honor our ancestors in a multi-cultural Day of the Dead Ceremony. There will be a festive community altar to pay homage to our ancestors. Bring drums, rattles, bells, photos, food or drinks to honor and feed them, and a chair. Come prepared for outdoors but we will meet indoors in the event of heavy rain.
Monthly Soul Retrieval Support Circle Second Wednesday of each month 7-9pm: 2007: 10/10, 11/14, 12/12
2008: 1/9, 2/13, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
This circle provides a supportive environment for those who have had a soul retrieval to communicate with the returned pieces of soul and to support each other in keeping the agreements made to them. This teaches us to be impeccable with our word, to honor the relationships and agreements we make in our lives, as demonstrated by our actions. You will be in the company of others who are welcoming back pieces of themselves and making room inside for this reunion to take hold. You will have the opportunity to journey in the dreamtime to renegotiate soul contracts made long ago that impact your life today and co-create the life you wish for yourself now.
The gifting basket will be available for your generous contribution, remembering that what we give to the spiritual sources in our lives comes back ten fold to us.
Shamanic Teaching Circle Flyer
Mondays 4-6pm
November 12 Gratitude for All our Relations and Helpers
November 19 Spiritual Cleansing and Protection Protocols
November 26 Altars: Sharing and Declaring our Sacred Space
December 3 Drumming our Dreams into Being
December 10 Receiving and Using Tools for Healing
December 17 Taking Sacred Action: The Gift of Ceremony
Explore the world of your dreams and partner with your spirit helpers to trek deep within and become a spiritual warrior on the path of peace. Each week’s skills will build upon the next, stalking our inner obstacles and finding our power through impeccable action. We will journey with the sacred drum each week. Learn to get out of your own way and bring spirit through you to serve as a hollow bone.
The gifting bowl will be available for your generous support of this work and the elders who bring it our way. A minimum contribution of $25 per circle or $135 for the series is suggested. As always, let spirit be your true guide.
Traditional Arapaho Little Boys and Girls Sweat Lodge with Sharon Mitchell Sunday October 14, 2007
9:30 am until we have feasted well and returned the land and lodge to order…
Please contact Miriam to rsvp , find out protocols, directions and or ask questions.
This lodge is to honor a request made by our friend and elder Ms. Arrizzonaas to bless her and the many “grandfathers” (sacred stone beings from many tribal lands across this country) that are journeying to the Louis Gregory Bahai Center in S.C. to create a medicine wheel there for the land and people. Come stand by her as the water is poured over these sacred stones and the steam carries these blessings to creator. Bring yourselves and your prayers. This is a lodge for people of all ages to come and bask in the heat of this turtle lodge and the gentle teachings of our grandmother Sharon.
Rev. Sharon Mitchell has been honored with the passing down of the tradition of the Arapaho Nation sweat lodge. She has been on the Red Road living Native American Spirituality for over twenty years. Her experience will inspire you to discover the power that you carry within you to manifest Grandmother‘s Spirit to your personal life. Rev. Sharon is a Science of Mind Ordained Minister bringing together New Thought and Ancient Wisdom in a weekly circle. Rev. Sharon is part of the Pastoral Team at the Mt. Area Hospice. She creates sacred and traditional ceremonies in her business, Ceremonies From the Heart.
A day of ceremony and drum making with ZOE ALLISON
Saturday November 17, 2007 10 am - 4 pm
$100.00 includes materials $35.00 Deposit by November 3 required
Send to:
Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul in Chapel Hill, NC
1920 Western Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
To register call Miriam at (919) 304 5754 or Email: melieber@mebtel.net
When making drums in a traditional way, we bring into physical form sacred beings. As we open ourselves to the teachings from our drums, we receive healing and transformation. Working with the drum we are able to reach the place before and beyond words, this place is oneness with Creator.
Zoe Allison is an Artist, Scholar, Science of Mind Ordained Minister and SHY Spiritual Human Yoga Healer and Certified Hypnotherapist. She is co-founder of Earth Green Medicine Lodge, a center for creating healthy spiritual-based mindful lives, located in the Western North Carolina mountains. Zoe has led classes and workshops privately and at colleges and universities for 26 years and has traveled extensively throughout Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina visiting many of the sacred sites, working with the people and creating sacred ceremonies. She is the author of the Mayan Record Keeper, the Sacred Tzolkin, an Almanac of the Days, the Mayan Wave Tracker and a yearly calendar of the days of prophecy, and The Mayan Record Keeper cards
Saturday, October 20, 2007
9:30am - 5pm in Asheville
Join us in this powerful day long Teaching Circle where we will create the time, space, and opportunity to connect with Will Rockingbear. We will spend this day together honoring Ourselves, Our Ancestors..... All Our Relations. We will begin our Circle time together by Calling in the Directions. There will be time for listening, time for Journeying, time for remembering, and time for asking questions. Donations are accepted, appreciated and appropriate.
To Register: for this Day-long Teaching Circle with Rockingbear and receive details and directions, please contact Theresa at the Rites of Passage Council Medicine Lodge located at 12 NW of Asheville, NC theresa@ritesofpassagecouncil.com or call (828) 777-1492
Mark your calendars as these dates are to be confirmed and more information to follow!
February 1, 2, 3 2008 Will Rockingbear in Chapel Hill/Durham

Will Rockingbear is a Cherokee Elder from the mountains of North Carolina. He teaches people how to truly heal, reclaim their personal power and create the life they want with humor, joy, clarity and impeccable precision. He will be available for private sessions to request information; healing, or a Shamanic ceremony (such as soul retrieval, cutting ceremony, calling in ceremony, releasing attachments).
Now is the time to be in contact with me to let me know what you would like to learn as we plan this trip. Feel free to make your desires known as we create this healing time together with this powerful teacher, healer, elder whose teachings have transformed my life in too many ways to count. We really can ask for what we want!
Full Moon Pipe Ceremony with Monday Night Healing CircleMonday November 26 at Drumsong 7:00-9:00 pm
All welcome. Please rsvp. Bring cushion and lap cloth.
Trance Healing Circles (maximum 8 people per session by reservation only)
Contact Tracey Turner Keyser for more dates and times (919) 942-0110
A Trance Healing is an opportunity to listen to and integrate information from souls that have been influencing your feelings, thoughts, habits and/or relationships before they are sent with their lights by two trance healers. Trance healings facilitate forgiveness, peace and reconciliation for all beings involved. Over time we recommend a series of eight healings to complete the cycle around the sacred spiral and balance your masculine and feminine energies.
Suggested donation: $15 per healing per person.
Weekly Monday Night Healing Circle
(speak with Miriam for information about requesting a healing or joining the circle)
Individual Soul Retrieval, Cutting Ceremony, Fire Ceremony, Land Clearing, Calling Ceremony, and Shamanic Counseling , Psychotherapy or Clinical Supervison Available by appointment.
I can’t believe it is already October! The summer went by in a flash, a heat flash! What a remarkable show of stamina the plant beings have demonstrated week after week in this hot dry weather. I am given strength by their insistence on living, on digging their roots a little deeper, by casting their seeds out for distant rains to sprout our future landscape with. We have been feeding the deer our melon rinds and giving them water and asking them to spare the plants that are still standing with green heads against all odds. The creek is dry with no sound of the bull frogs. I hope they have buried themselves into the mud or hopped all the way to the river. A beautiful box turtle has been enjoying the shady shelter of the cavern within the grandmother beech tree here where the earth is dark and cool.
Thunder beings, we call you forth to quench the thirst of these lands and to replenish the water tables of the region, we are grateful for you and long to hear your strong voice echoing above us and to feel the rain on our skin and in our hair. The cooling of the air tells us that Fall is arriving with her colorful cloak to brighten our dusty vision with amber, red, gold, orange, yellow, crimson, umber and the magenta skyline as the October sun sets to make way for that large autumn orb in the sky. The night eagles here at Drumsong sing loudly and raucously in this season reminding us to pay attention to that which we don’t see and to give thanks for it all!
Be sure to scroll through to see all the great teachers and ceremonies coming this fall and winter. We have sweat lodge, drummmaking, teaching circles and fire ceremonies. Or you can just go to the website and check there, http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/ or the blog http://www.drumsongsanctuary.blogspot.com/ which I’m still learning to use (patience please). I hope to see you again soon and to share sacred space and time with you or just give me a call at 919 304-5754 to connect.
In gratitude for my life and yours,
Sacred Fire Ceremony Flyer
Mondays: Oct 8, Oct 29, Dec 3 from 7:00 – 10:00 pm
Our Monday night healing circle invites you to join us for a Fire Ceremony to release what no longer serves you. You will have the opportunity to shed beliefs, feelings, thoughts, relationships or anything else that is hampering your ability to be fully and completely who you are by offering them to the fire. We will witness each other as we make new agreements with ourselves and dream our lives into being. We will feed the holies and ask their assistance in recreating ourselves, our thoughts and our lives as we wish them to be. The choice is always yours!
The gifting basket will be available for your generous contribution, remembering that what we give to the spiritual sources in our lives comes back ten fold to us.
Third Annual All Souls Day Fire Ceremony. Flyer
Monday October 29th at Drumsong 7:00-10:00pm (All are welcome please rsvp)
We will honor our ancestors in a multi-cultural Day of the Dead Ceremony. There will be a festive community altar to pay homage to our ancestors. Bring drums, rattles, bells, photos, food or drinks to honor and feed them, and a chair. Come prepared for outdoors but we will meet indoors in the event of heavy rain.
Monthly Soul Retrieval Support Circle Second Wednesday of each month 7-9pm: 2007: 10/10, 11/14, 12/12
2008: 1/9, 2/13, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
This circle provides a supportive environment for those who have had a soul retrieval to communicate with the returned pieces of soul and to support each other in keeping the agreements made to them. This teaches us to be impeccable with our word, to honor the relationships and agreements we make in our lives, as demonstrated by our actions. You will be in the company of others who are welcoming back pieces of themselves and making room inside for this reunion to take hold. You will have the opportunity to journey in the dreamtime to renegotiate soul contracts made long ago that impact your life today and co-create the life you wish for yourself now.
The gifting basket will be available for your generous contribution, remembering that what we give to the spiritual sources in our lives comes back ten fold to us.
Shamanic Teaching Circle Flyer
Mondays 4-6pm
November 12 Gratitude for All our Relations and Helpers
November 19 Spiritual Cleansing and Protection Protocols
November 26 Altars: Sharing and Declaring our Sacred Space
December 3 Drumming our Dreams into Being
December 10 Receiving and Using Tools for Healing
December 17 Taking Sacred Action: The Gift of Ceremony
Explore the world of your dreams and partner with your spirit helpers to trek deep within and become a spiritual warrior on the path of peace. Each week’s skills will build upon the next, stalking our inner obstacles and finding our power through impeccable action. We will journey with the sacred drum each week. Learn to get out of your own way and bring spirit through you to serve as a hollow bone.
The gifting bowl will be available for your generous support of this work and the elders who bring it our way. A minimum contribution of $25 per circle or $135 for the series is suggested. As always, let spirit be your true guide.
Traditional Arapaho Little Boys and Girls Sweat Lodge with Sharon Mitchell Sunday October 14, 2007
9:30 am until we have feasted well and returned the land and lodge to order…
Please contact Miriam to rsvp , find out protocols, directions and or ask questions.
This lodge is to honor a request made by our friend and elder Ms. Arrizzonaas to bless her and the many “grandfathers” (sacred stone beings from many tribal lands across this country) that are journeying to the Louis Gregory Bahai Center in S.C. to create a medicine wheel there for the land and people. Come stand by her as the water is poured over these sacred stones and the steam carries these blessings to creator. Bring yourselves and your prayers. This is a lodge for people of all ages to come and bask in the heat of this turtle lodge and the gentle teachings of our grandmother Sharon.
Rev. Sharon Mitchell has been honored with the passing down of the tradition of the Arapaho Nation sweat lodge. She has been on the Red Road living Native American Spirituality for over twenty years. Her experience will inspire you to discover the power that you carry within you to manifest Grandmother‘s Spirit to your personal life. Rev. Sharon is a Science of Mind Ordained Minister bringing together New Thought and Ancient Wisdom in a weekly circle. Rev. Sharon is part of the Pastoral Team at the Mt. Area Hospice. She creates sacred and traditional ceremonies in her business, Ceremonies From the Heart.
A day of ceremony and drum making with ZOE ALLISON
Saturday November 17, 2007 10 am - 4 pm
$100.00 includes materials $35.00 Deposit by November 3 required
Send to:
Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul in Chapel Hill, NC
1920 Western Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
To register call Miriam at (919) 304 5754 or Email: melieber@mebtel.net
When making drums in a traditional way, we bring into physical form sacred beings. As we open ourselves to the teachings from our drums, we receive healing and transformation. Working with the drum we are able to reach the place before and beyond words, this place is oneness with Creator.

Saturday, October 20, 2007
9:30am - 5pm in Asheville
Join us in this powerful day long Teaching Circle where we will create the time, space, and opportunity to connect with Will Rockingbear. We will spend this day together honoring Ourselves, Our Ancestors..... All Our Relations. We will begin our Circle time together by Calling in the Directions. There will be time for listening, time for Journeying, time for remembering, and time for asking questions. Donations are accepted, appreciated and appropriate.
To Register: for this Day-long Teaching Circle with Rockingbear and receive details and directions, please contact Theresa at the Rites of Passage Council Medicine Lodge located at 12 NW of Asheville, NC theresa@ritesofpassagecouncil.com or call (828) 777-1492
Mark your calendars as these dates are to be confirmed and more information to follow!
February 1, 2, 3 2008 Will Rockingbear in Chapel Hill/Durham

Will Rockingbear is a Cherokee Elder from the mountains of North Carolina. He teaches people how to truly heal, reclaim their personal power and create the life they want with humor, joy, clarity and impeccable precision. He will be available for private sessions to request information; healing, or a Shamanic ceremony (such as soul retrieval, cutting ceremony, calling in ceremony, releasing attachments).
Now is the time to be in contact with me to let me know what you would like to learn as we plan this trip. Feel free to make your desires known as we create this healing time together with this powerful teacher, healer, elder whose teachings have transformed my life in too many ways to count. We really can ask for what we want!
Full Moon Pipe Ceremony with Monday Night Healing CircleMonday November 26 at Drumsong 7:00-9:00 pm
All welcome. Please rsvp. Bring cushion and lap cloth.
Trance Healing Circles (maximum 8 people per session by reservation only)
Contact Tracey Turner Keyser for more dates and times (919) 942-0110
A Trance Healing is an opportunity to listen to and integrate information from souls that have been influencing your feelings, thoughts, habits and/or relationships before they are sent with their lights by two trance healers. Trance healings facilitate forgiveness, peace and reconciliation for all beings involved. Over time we recommend a series of eight healings to complete the cycle around the sacred spiral and balance your masculine and feminine energies.
Suggested donation: $15 per healing per person.
Weekly Monday Night Healing Circle
(speak with Miriam for information about requesting a healing or joining the circle)
Individual Soul Retrieval, Cutting Ceremony, Fire Ceremony, Land Clearing, Calling Ceremony, and Shamanic Counseling , Psychotherapy or Clinical Supervison Available by appointment.
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