Greetings Everyone,
Aaahh, the fall colors are sublime. This weekend I‘ve been out walking in the rain and driving past trees on fire with orange, yellows and reds. We had some cool weather and more is on the way. I’ve been stacking wood and getting ready for the cold weather. I love the smell of the wood, feeling it in my hands, hearing the thud of logs landing atop one another, splitting kindling and feeling my muscles tighten as I grip the axe and feel it sink into the end of the wood. I love the focus required to use the tools and knowing that these tall standing ones have given their lives and will also heat our home. The roses and honeysuckle have lingering blooms and the little porch lizard has moved from the flower pot to the wood pile but still greets me as I come and go. The spiders continue to catch the last of the summer’s bug harvest in their shimmering webs.
I’m heading south for a Vision Quest Ceremony so we will miss the Day of the Dead Fire Ceremony here this year, but we’ll meet at the winter solstice around the fire circle (Dec. 20th). Prior to that we will have circles here at Drumsong, a Clan Mother’s circle with Robin Lynne, a sweat lodge (Dec 5th) with Sharon Mitchell, and then in January Will Rockingbear and Zoe Allison Rockingbear return to our area for teachings, healings and drummaking. Please read the newsletter for more information.
May the vibrancy of the autumn colors illuminate your heart and bring a smile to your face in this season of great gratitude.
Peace, Love and Gratitude,
Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul
Aaahh, the fall colors are sublime. This weekend I‘ve been out walking in the rain and driving past trees on fire with orange, yellows and reds. We had some cool weather and more is on the way. I’ve been stacking wood and getting ready for the cold weather. I love the smell of the wood, feeling it in my hands, hearing the thud of logs landing atop one another, splitting kindling and feeling my muscles tighten as I grip the axe and feel it sink into the end of the wood. I love the focus required to use the tools and knowing that these tall standing ones have given their lives and will also heat our home. The roses and honeysuckle have lingering blooms and the little porch lizard has moved from the flower pot to the wood pile but still greets me as I come and go. The spiders continue to catch the last of the summer’s bug harvest in their shimmering webs.
I’m heading south for a Vision Quest Ceremony so we will miss the Day of the Dead Fire Ceremony here this year, but we’ll meet at the winter solstice around the fire circle (Dec. 20th). Prior to that we will have circles here at Drumsong, a Clan Mother’s circle with Robin Lynne, a sweat lodge (Dec 5th) with Sharon Mitchell, and then in January Will Rockingbear and Zoe Allison Rockingbear return to our area for teachings, healings and drummaking. Please read the newsletter for more information.
May the vibrancy of the autumn colors illuminate your heart and bring a smile to your face in this season of great gratitude.
Peace, Love and Gratitude,
Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul
Fire Ceremony
Sunday, December 20, 2009 (Winter Solstice)
4:30 pm till 7:00 ish
Join us for a Fire Ceremony to release what no longer serves you. You will have the opportunity to shed beliefs, feelings, thoughts, relationships or anything else that is hampering your ability to be fully and completely who you are by offering them to the fire. We will witness each other as we make new agreements with ourselves and dream our lives into being. We will feed the holies and ask their assistance in recreating ourselves, our thoughts and our lives as we wish them to be. The choice is always yours!
If you are drawn to be here please call or email Miriam at (919) 304-5754 or
melieber@mebtel.net so I’ll know how many people to expect and give you directions if needed. Come prepared for outdoor conditions. If it rains really hard we will come indoors and use the woodstove….Bring sarongs, drums, rattles, water to drink.
Gifting is appropriate and appreciated.
Bi-Weekly Shamanic Teaching Circle
Thursdays 9:30 am -11ish am
Dates: 2009: Nov. 12, Dec 3, 17, 31
Explore the world of your dreams and partner with your spirit helpers to trek deep within and become a spiritual warrior on the path of peace. Each week’s skills will build upon the next, stalking our inner obstacles and finding our power through impeccable action. We will journey with the sacred drum each week. Learn to get out of your own way and bring spirit through serving as a hollow bone in all your endeavors. When we work with the guides and helpers that are available to us, invite our medicine ancestors and honor the old ways and our elders, the doors of spirit healing open to us. Come be a part of the magic.
A contribution of $20- $25 per circle is suggested. May spirit always be your guide.
Arapaho Little Boys and Girls Sweat Lodge Ceremony
at Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul led by Sharon Mitchell
Saturday December 5, 2009 10:00 am till……after the feast.
Bring yourselves and your prayers to this lodge. As the water is poured over the sacred stones the steam will carry our blessings to creator and assist us to purify. The name of this lodge refers to an Arapaho tradition that is gentler and more flexible than some sweat lodge traditions but does not mean that is intended only for children as I have been asked this question often. This is a lodge for people of all ages to come and bask in the womb of the earth mother and the gentle teachings of our grandmother Sharon.
Rev. Sharon Mitchell has been honored with the passing down of the tradition of this Arapaho Nation sweat lodge. She has been on the Red Road, living Native American Spirituality for over twenty years. Her experience will inspire you to discover the power that you carry within you to manifest Grandmother‘s Spirit in your personal life. Rev. Sharon is a Science of Mind Ordained Minister bringing together New Thought and Ancient Wisdom in a weekly circle. Rev. Sharon is part of the Pastoral Team at the Mt. Area Hospice. She creates sacred and traditional ceremonies in her business, Ceremonies From the Heart.
Workdays: Saturday November 21 and Friday December 4
or by letting me know when you are available to help with cutting, splitting and gathering wood and stones, raking, moving blankets, etc. The preparations are part of the ceremony and are a labor of love and communion with the land, the tall standing ones, the stone people, the water and enrich one’s experience of the ceremony greatly as we joyfully do this sacred work together.
Please contact Miriam (919) 304-5754 or melieber@mebtel.net ) to RSVP, find out protocols, directions and ask questions. I will send more information to those planning on attending as to how to prepare and what to bring. Directions are also available on my website http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 (Winter Solstice)
4:30 pm till 7:00 ish
Join us for a Fire Ceremony to release what no longer serves you. You will have the opportunity to shed beliefs, feelings, thoughts, relationships or anything else that is hampering your ability to be fully and completely who you are by offering them to the fire. We will witness each other as we make new agreements with ourselves and dream our lives into being. We will feed the holies and ask their assistance in recreating ourselves, our thoughts and our lives as we wish them to be. The choice is always yours!
If you are drawn to be here please call or email Miriam at (919) 304-5754 or
melieber@mebtel.net so I’ll know how many people to expect and give you directions if needed. Come prepared for outdoor conditions. If it rains really hard we will come indoors and use the woodstove….Bring sarongs, drums, rattles, water to drink.
Gifting is appropriate and appreciated.
Bi-Weekly Shamanic Teaching Circle
Thursdays 9:30 am -11ish am
Dates: 2009: Nov. 12, Dec 3, 17, 31
Explore the world of your dreams and partner with your spirit helpers to trek deep within and become a spiritual warrior on the path of peace. Each week’s skills will build upon the next, stalking our inner obstacles and finding our power through impeccable action. We will journey with the sacred drum each week. Learn to get out of your own way and bring spirit through serving as a hollow bone in all your endeavors. When we work with the guides and helpers that are available to us, invite our medicine ancestors and honor the old ways and our elders, the doors of spirit healing open to us. Come be a part of the magic.
A contribution of $20- $25 per circle is suggested. May spirit always be your guide.
Arapaho Little Boys and Girls Sweat Lodge Ceremony
at Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul led by Sharon Mitchell
Saturday December 5, 2009 10:00 am till……after the feast.
Bring yourselves and your prayers to this lodge. As the water is poured over the sacred stones the steam will carry our blessings to creator and assist us to purify. The name of this lodge refers to an Arapaho tradition that is gentler and more flexible than some sweat lodge traditions but does not mean that is intended only for children as I have been asked this question often. This is a lodge for people of all ages to come and bask in the womb of the earth mother and the gentle teachings of our grandmother Sharon.
Rev. Sharon Mitchell has been honored with the passing down of the tradition of this Arapaho Nation sweat lodge. She has been on the Red Road, living Native American Spirituality for over twenty years. Her experience will inspire you to discover the power that you carry within you to manifest Grandmother‘s Spirit in your personal life. Rev. Sharon is a Science of Mind Ordained Minister bringing together New Thought and Ancient Wisdom in a weekly circle. Rev. Sharon is part of the Pastoral Team at the Mt. Area Hospice. She creates sacred and traditional ceremonies in her business, Ceremonies From the Heart.
Workdays: Saturday November 21 and Friday December 4
or by letting me know when you are available to help with cutting, splitting and gathering wood and stones, raking, moving blankets, etc. The preparations are part of the ceremony and are a labor of love and communion with the land, the tall standing ones, the stone people, the water and enrich one’s experience of the ceremony greatly as we joyfully do this sacred work together.
Please contact Miriam (919) 304-5754 or melieber@mebtel.net ) to RSVP, find out protocols, directions and ask questions. I will send more information to those planning on attending as to how to prepare and what to bring. Directions are also available on my website http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/.
Cherokee Elder Will Rockingbear Returns to Chapel Hill
January 8-10, 2010
We are still planning the weekend but he will most likely give a public teaching on Saturday night. What are you ready to heal in your life? He will be available for some private sessions so let me know if you wish to reserve a time. The sessions will most likely be on Friday and Saturday (Jan 8 and 9).
Zoe Allison Rockingbear will also be available for some private sessions.
January 9th, 2010 10-3pm (location TBA)
Calling all those who wish to make a drum. Saturday Jan 9th, 2010 10-3 (Location TBA)
$135.00 for 13” or $150.00 for 15”, $35.00 Deposit by December 15, 2009 for supplies
Zoe will be here and will lead a drum making ceremony if we have enough people.
Drum Birthing Ceremony with Zoe Allison
January 9th, 2010 evening time TBA
At Drumsong Sanctuary
RSVP 919 304-5754
Bring the drum you created in ceremony here This Spring or a drum that has come into your life and Birth it in ceremony. Bring gifts such as adornments, talismans, cordage, ribbons, belts, fetishes or beaters as gifts for all the drums being birthed (check with Miriam about Numbers).
The gifts need to be ready for the drums. Also bring a cushion and a blanket to sit on.
Sharing our abundance with Zoe for travelling this way and blessing these drums is appropriate and appreciated.
CD’s available from Rockingbear’s Teaching Circle and Drumming at Unity Church in Chapel Hill April 09 and from his visit here in 2006.
Cherokee Elder Will Rockingbear
APRIL 24-26, 2009
Teachings on “Healing Fear” $15 Donation plus S&H
to support Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge
make checks to: Earth Green Medicine Lodge
January 9th, 2010 evening time TBA
At Drumsong Sanctuary
RSVP 919 304-5754
Bring the drum you created in ceremony here This Spring or a drum that has come into your life and Birth it in ceremony. Bring gifts such as adornments, talismans, cordage, ribbons, belts, fetishes or beaters as gifts for all the drums being birthed (check with Miriam about Numbers).
The gifts need to be ready for the drums. Also bring a cushion and a blanket to sit on.
Sharing our abundance with Zoe for travelling this way and blessing these drums is appropriate and appreciated.
CD’s available from Rockingbear’s Teaching Circle and Drumming at Unity Church in Chapel Hill April 09 and from his visit here in 2006.
Cherokee Elder Will Rockingbear
APRIL 24-26, 2009
Teachings on “Healing Fear” $15 Donation plus S&H
to support Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge
make checks to: Earth Green Medicine Lodge
Robin Lynn Rainbow Feather
Robin has begun a Clan Mother’s circle in Chapel Hill at the United Church of Christ on Airport Rd. It meets the second Friday of each month 7-9:30 pm. Call Robin for more info (336) 416-7553 or email her at robin@flowereagle.com