at Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul
APRIL 24-26, 2009
Will Rockingbear is a Cherokee Elder from the mountains of North Carolina. He teaches people how to truly heal, reclaim their personal power and create the life they want with humor, joy, clarity and impeccable precision. He will be available for private sessions to request information; healing, or a Shamanic ceremony (such as soul retrieval, cutting ceremony, calling in ceremony, releasing attachments).
TEACHING CIRCLE at Unity of Chapel Hill
8800 Seawell School Road
Saturday April 25th 7:00-9:30 pm
Bring a cushion and a lap cloth floor seating. Chairs will also be available.
Monetary gifting is appropriate and appreciated in the amount you are guided to support this elder coming from afar to be with our community and share from his tradition.
RSVP to Miriam
Hello everyone,
You are invited Friday night May 1st to join me and my sweet and close friend Sharon for a party...this however is no ordinary party!
This is bringing in the ancient wisdom of chocolate: Food of the Gods used in ceremony, ritual, as medicine, for barter and for money. Our ancestors in the South knew of the great healing powers of the cocoa bean and now with scientific research, we know the incredible antioxidant value of this raw chocolate. Come hear a short presentation on creating an additional income during these economic times and join us to sample this delightful decadent dark raw chocolate!
We’ll gather at 7:00pm at Drumsong Sanctuary.
Any questions, please call Sharon Mitchell (828)712-1119
For directions call Miriam (919) 304-5754 or go to http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/
Arapaho Little Boys and Girls Sweat Lodge Ceremony at Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul led by Sharon Mitchell
Saturday May 2, 2009 9:30 till……?
Bring yourselves and your prayers to this lodge and as the water is poured over the sacred stones and the steam will carry our blessings to creator. The name of this lodge refers to an Arapaho tradition that is gentler and more flexible than some sweat lodge traditions but does not mean that is intended for children as I have been asked this question often.. This is a lodge for people of all ages to come and bask in the heat of this turtle lodge and the gentle teachings of our grandmother Sharon.
Rev. Sharon Mitchell has been honored with the passing down of the tradition of this Arapaho Nation sweat lodge. She has been on the Red Road living Native American Spirituality for over twenty years. Her experience will inspire you to discover the power that you carry within you to manifest Grandmother‘s Spirit in your personal life. Rev. Sharon is a Science of Mind Ordained Minister bringing together New Thought and Ancient Wisdom in a weekly circle. Rev. Sharon is part of the Pastoral Team at the Mt. Area Hospice. She creates sacred and traditional ceremonies in her business, Ceremonies From the Heart.
Workday: Friday May 1 or by letting me know when you are available to help with cutting, splitting and gathering wood and stones, raking, moving blankets, etc. The preparations are part of the ceremony and are a labor of love and communion with the land, the tall standing ones, the stone people, the water and enrich one’s experience of the ceremony greatly as we do this sacred work together joyfully.
Please contact Miriam (919) 304-5754 or melieber@mebtel.net) to RSVP, find out protocols, directions and ask questions. I will send more information to those planning on attending as to how to prepare and what to bring. Directions are also available on my website http://www.drumsongsanctuary.com/.